Banker's Acceptance

What is a banker's acceptance?

A Banker's Acceptance (BA) is a type of short-term debt instrument that is guaranteed by a commercial bank. It is typically used by businesses, such as manufacturers and wholesalers, to finance their operations and is considered a low-risk investment for investors.

How a Banker's Acceptance is created

A BA is created when a business seeks financing from a bank. The bank agrees to provide the financing and issues a BA, which is then sold to an investor, such as a money market fund or another bank. The investor provides the funds to the business in exchange for the BA and earns interest on the investment. The bank, in turn, earns a fee for issuing the BA and guaranteeing the debt.

The Self-Liquidating Nature of Banker's Acceptance

One of the key features of a BA is that it is considered to be a "self-liquidating" debt instrument. This means that the funds from the BA are used to finance a specific transaction or project, such as the purchase of raw materials for manufacturing or inventory for a wholesaler. Once the transaction is completed, the funds are repaid to the investor, and the BA is extinguished. This makes BAs attractive to investors because they know that their investment will be repaid in a relatively short period of time.

Banker's Acceptance Maturity and Interest Rate

BAs are typically issued for periods of 3 to 6 months, although they can be issued for longer periods of up to one year. The interest rate on a BA is generally based on the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus a margin, which is determined by the creditworthiness of the business that is seeking the financing. BAs are generally considered to be low-risk investments because they are guaranteed by the issuing bank and the funds are used for a specific purpose.

Trading of Banker's Acceptance in Secondary Market

BAs can be traded on the secondary market, which means that investors can buy and sell them just like other debt instruments. The price of a BA on the secondary market is determined by the prevailing interest rates and the creditworthiness of the issuing bank. Investors can earn a higher return on a BA than on a US Treasury bill, but the risk is also higher.

BAs are considered to be a form of short-term debt financing and are a popular choice for businesses that need to finance their operations but do not have access to other forms of funding, such as credit lines or long-term loans. They are also a popular choice for money market funds and other investors looking for a low-risk investment with a relatively short maturity.


In conclusion, Banker's Acceptance is a low-risk, short-term debt instrument that is guaranteed by a commercial bank. They are typically used by businesses to finance their operations and are considered a low-risk investment for investors. The funds from the BA are used to finance a specific transaction or project, and once the transaction is completed, the funds are repaid to the investor, and the BA is extinguished. They are traded on the secondary market and the price of a BA on the secondary market is determined by the prevailing interest rates and the creditworthiness of the issuing bank

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